Geena 2
Build August 31, 2021.
This system is under active development,
please forgive us for possible errors and
send us your comments, criticisms and congratulations,
if any.

Welcome to Geena 2, a tool for MS spectra filtering, averaging and aligning.

(Quick Search Interface)

 Job information
Job name:
Data file:
(see information on data file format
and an example file)
Analysis range: From m/z to m/z
Normalization peak: No    Yes, at m/z
Your email:

This is the Quick Search Interface (QSI) that simplifies the use of Geena 2 by reducing parameters to a very minimum.

You may be interested in using the Bright Search Interface (BSI) for tuning averaging and alignment parameters or the Standard Search Interface (SSI) for a complete control over all parameters.

Using Geena 2 should be straightforward. Input and output data use a simple format. Nevertheless, should you have any problem, see the help or the information on data formats pages.

NB! This version includes a new feature. When a normalization peak is provided, it is used to calibrate m/z values.
In practice, for each spectrum all m/z values are recomputed by taking into account the difference between the teorethical and the actual m/z values of the normalization peak.

NB! Move your mouse over the icon for a contextual help.

For information, get in touch with:
Paolo Romano,
IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino,
Genoa, Italy
Click here to see my email address

If you use Geena, please cite the following paper:
Romano P et al.
Geena 2, improved automated analysis of MALDI/TOF mass spectra.
BMC Bioinformatics 2016, 17(Suppl 4):61
PMID: 26961516; DOI: 10.1186/s12859-016-0911-2