A list of recent oral communications, seminars and lessons
P. Romano and M. Crescenzi,
Rete Nazionale di Bioinformatica Oncologica (in italian),
Convegno Nazionale sul Programma Straordinario Oncologico 2006,
Rome, Italy, October 8, 2007
D. Marra and P. Romano,
Integrating mutation data of the TP53 human
gene in the bioinformatics network environment,
First International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Developmemt (BIRD '07),
Berlin, Germany, March 12-14, 2007
P. Romano, C. Rasi and D. Marra,
The automation of bioinformatics processes through workflow management systems,
Seventh Spanish Symposium on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (JdB06),
Zaragoza, Spain, November 20-22, 2006
(the abstract is also available)
P. Romano,
Workflow management systems
in supporto alla ricerca biomedica:
verso l'automazione dell'accesso ai dati e alla loro analisi in rete
(in italian), Workshop "IST Incontra Impresa", Genova, September 21, 2006
P. Romano,
A workflow enactment portal for bioinformatics,
3rd International Workshop on Data Integration in Life Sciences 2006 (DILS.06),
Hinxton, UK, July 20-22, 2006
P. Romano,
Workflow management systems
in supporto alla biologia:
verso l'automazione dell'accesso ai dati e alla loro analisi in rete
(in italian), Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura, Fiorenzuola d'Arda (PC), June 19, 2006
P. Romano,
Portals and workflows: Taverna Workbench
BIOINFOGRID Initial training course, Bari, March 8 - 10 2006
P. Romano,
XML e Web Services (e workflows management systsems)
(in italian), Corso SIGA (Società Italiana di Genetica Agraria) di Bioinformatica,
Salsomaggiore Terme (PR), 28-30 Novembre 2005
P. Romano,
Linking CABRI catalogues to the EMBL Data Library: lessons learned and future perspectives,
International workshop on "Exploring and exploiting microbiological commons:
contributions of bio-informatics and intellectual property rights in sharing biological information",
Brussels, Belgium, July 7-8, 2005
P. Romano,
Servizi bioinformatici del sito web dell'Hormone Responsive Breast Cancer
(HRBC) Genomics Network (in italian),
Genova, November 16, 2004
P. Romano,
European Biological Resource Centers Network (EBRCN) and metabolic pathways,
ESF Workshop on "Data integration in functional genomics and proteomics:
application to biological pathways",
Geneva, September 22-24, 2003.
P. Romano,
Integration of Biological Resources Information: CABRI & EBRCN projects,
Lion Biosciences Ltd, Cambridge, May 8, 2003
P. Romano,
Integrazione delle informazioni in rete: prospettive per le scienze della vita (in italian),
Workshop per il Corso di Dottorato in Biologia Computazionale,
Seconda Università di Napoli, Napoli, 10 marzo 2003
P. Romano, P. Arrigo, G. Mauri, E. Merelli and L. Milanesi,
Oncology over Internet (O2I): information search, filtering and retrieval
by means of standard formats,
Annual Meeting of the Italian Bioinfomatics Co-operation Group (GCB),
15 Marzo 2002, Pontignano, Italy.
P. Romano,
The new needs of Collections in the field of Bioinformatics,
XIX Annual Meeting of the European Cultures Collections' Organization (ECCO),
May 11-12 2000, Paris, France